As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Red Mango Delivery

I love my team a lot.

I saw Gettysburg College this morning and Franklin & Marshall in the afternoon. Both were really nice.

Long ride home.

As soon as I got home, I left for my run. I ran to Red Mango and then brought it to Julie's house because I'm a weirdo. Then I ran 6 more miles. I averaged 7:09 a mile and finished 8 miles under an hour, so I'm super happy with that. During the last two minutes of my run, some scummy kid stepped in the middle of my path on purpose, so I elbowed him straight in the chest. It felt great.

I went to Avery's house really quickly to pick something up and I just spent the last hour working for my team because I love them that much.

Also, this is how I have to ice my leg.

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