
One thing I think my parents instilled in me was awe and wonder.

There was plenty of awe in the sky this evening,, this was taken (and it's straight off the camera) after sharing a beer with friends in their garden, on my way to the big house to walk their dog. We (their dog and I) also saw a hare, hunkered down in the grass and I took some great shots of that too. Awesome!

As I cycled back across the estate in the fast fading light the moon rose, an almost full orb, blood red, accompanied by a distant firework display, my camera could not do it justice, but I stood and watched, alone with only the sound of the bells from the local church being rung. A perfect finale to a lovely day - awe and wonder indeed.

The 'eat well for £20' week has continued well:
Breakfast: porridge and half a melon.
Lunch: the final bit of the half chicken with salad.
This evening I made some little tapas dishes: Fresh pickled cucumber, salsa with mango, onions & tomato, avocado pear with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a bit of the chorizo. Fruit salad. Awesome!

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