
By Wildwood

Guest Cactus Flower

I've taken the liberty of publishing a guest flower photo today. Dana sent this cactus flower from their hike through Cactus Valley in the Atacama region of Chile. There is a picture of Jim rock clambering along the 
'trail' in extras.

Coffee was good as usual with the full cast of characters present, including Trixie, Dan and Tobi's dog who has been left home playing with the cat the last few Fridays. Both dogs were very well behaved, even when Shelby came in with her capacious bag of dog treats. Restraint was requested and granted after last week's treat-fest.

It was cold this morning and difficult to get out of bed in the dark, so we both lingered under the covers until it got lighter. We went to take care of Sassy, the three legged cat (second extra) after coffee.. She is lonely and I try to spend some time with her, but it was freezing in their unheated house so I didn't linger...

I turned on the heated seat for the drive home.but I never really warmed up afterward despite putting on a heavy jumper. When I arrived at the dermatology clinic for the excision of a lesion on my elbow (one down, three to go), it developed that their heat wasn't working, but the procedure was done fairly quickly.  I'm tempted to see if I can figure out a way to take the stitches out one handed (John would be useless) so I don't have to go back there for a ten minute procedure. 

Between us, we have been jumping through hoops to get Blake's miracle medicine prescription refilled. Our regular vet is on vacation until Monday so they got another vet to sign the prescription, but Walgreens wouldn't fill it because it doesn't have her license number on it. By the time that happened the vet had closed. We might try to get it filled at Costco which is where Dana and Jim go for it, or I might just stretch what we have left until they get hime on Monday.

Arranging to have Cindy's dishwasher taken out, brought here, and ours taken out and replaced by Cindy's went off without a hitch thanks to Cindy's plumber,  Carlos. He'll do it on Wednesday. Whew!

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