The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Shopping Snack

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Murphy gets very excited when the shopping is delivered. He likes to bound out to say hello to the delivery driver which is lovely. Unfortunately he then runs over to the corner of the garden that all the local cats use as a toilet and starts digging. Then eating. Not lovely.

So today I brought the shopping crates into the hall and shut the inner front door so he couldn’t escape. Cunning!

I’d unpacked the first crate in the kitchen and was about to get the second one from the hall when I heard the delivery driver howling with laughter.

Murphy looked up as I walked into the hall…with a carrot he’d fished out of the shopping in his mouth and bolted out the back door to eat his ill gotten gains!

The delivery driver was still laughing when I handed back the crates. “Hope you didn’t need that carrot,” he giggled.

Didn’t explain that it’s a significant improvement from cat poo!


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