Hedgehog poo stinks
.... Just saying. How does she know this I hear you say, well, I was asked to feed & water the local hedgehog hangout across the road from us for the week, which I'm quite happy to do BUT they are pooing in the hedgehog feeding stations, & they stink, so I've had to clean them each evening. I might add hedgehog husbandry to my CV.
A busy day began with me going through a box folder I found under Mum's bed. Death certicates, a very sad poem written by my deceased brother when he was nearing the end of his fight against cancer. A letter from the local constabulary, congratulating my parents on the first 20 years success as publicans of the Anchor without any trouble. And Mum's will. That was a surprise.
Usual routine down at CK. My brother arrived bearing jam doughnuts. We had a good chat. He's going to fix the gate hopefully. Mum & I were making apple chutney when he arrived. 6 jars :-).
I shopped at Tesco's while John did his mobility class.
A busy day.
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