Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A more restful night than I had anticipated! Surprisingly, the arm that had both jabs yesterday, was OK. And my ofttimes aching rotor cuff injury arm was kind to me last night.

But JR didn’t feel too sprightly (she had a jab in both arms) and had to cancel her two gym sessions. But she made up for that by taking Archie on a walk to Bruntsfield.

I made up for my morning slothfulness by taking Archie round the Links in the afternoon. But first we popped in to see Mary.

In my absence, JR had got quite a lot of stuff (paperwork) organised. And I set to and shredded tons of Stuff. It’s a job I’ve been meaning to do for years! AND I found my long lost back scratcher!

I think these new flowers are going to feature a lot in the coming couple of weeks…

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