Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Voiceless ...

Well, not exactly - but I'm just in from choir and I think I've talked far more today than I'm used to these days, so there are lurking frogs in my throat that leap out and play havoc with my voice if I sing too loudly! We had a tiny choir tonight - three women and Himself - but we had four parts and a new song for us to learn and we sounded great (I thought so anyway) and we loved the piece and felt well pleased and very hard worked by the end of our 90 minutes. 

My first outing today was to painting class, where I was the only actual pupil today, though others dropped in for a coffee en route for the ferry and another friend dropped off an errand and stayed to chat for a bit. Despite all this I managed to finish off my little watercolour of the entry to Sandbank from the high road, and perhaps when it's in a frame I'll post a photo so that the raggedy edges don't show.

Because I'd been late setting out, I drove down rather than walking, so by the time I got home Himself was ready for a walk and so was I. We headed down to Toward, where there is usually less cloud because it sticks out into the sea away from the hills. The most cheerfully sunny bit was the triangle of land that is Toward Point, so that's where we walked and where I took the above photo, a favourite view of mine looking particularly gorgeous with the pink of the red sandstone that is linked to Arran and the blue of the calm water in the little sheltered bay. And the oystercatchers ... and gulls... and a random duck or two...

Dinner was pasta with leftovers sauce and was totally delicious, despite a slightly careless moment with the chilli flakes. And then I crashed and watched some of a film I downloaded last night - I'll catch the rest later, perhaps. 

Right now I'm off to toast the last of a fruit loaf and spread it with sybaritic honey with crunchy bits in it ...

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