After the storm

And what a storm !

I went for a swim in the outdoor pool. It was sultry but the Fitness Centre was very quiet. Gone were the body beautifuls who spend time there before heading off to work, immaculately groomed.

It was refreshing, and even when the rain came, it was still a wonderful experience to feel the droplets bouncing on my back as I did my lengths.

But when it started thundering and lightning, it was a different matter. The sleepy lifeguards sprang into action and ordered us inside. There were only two of us at that point. I was obedient, but it took them three lengths to attract the attention of the strong swimmer in her goggles and cap and speeding away.

The journey home was a bit scary. Deep deep water - and when the car in front has gone through it and there's a car behind, it's not the sort of situation you can avoid. I kept remembering those pictures from the last floods. But I made it.

Sorting things out ready to set off later today for my Heathrow hotel, all set for my early departure tomorrow morning for the Verbier music Festival.

One butterfly - the white one who flits over to investigate - and nothing else visiting as the weather changes. But this co operative spider was spinning away, undeterred by the world around her.

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