
By tridral

Dail a gasglwyd

Dail a gasglwyd ~ Collected leaves

“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”
― John Lennon

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Gwnaeth y dail eu casglu mewn pwll, a nawr mae'r pwll wedi cael ei sychu, mae'r dail yn parhau mewn grŵp. Mae patrwm pert hwn yn ailadrodd ar hyd y stryd. Addurniad hydrefol.

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The leaves were collected in a puddle, and now the puddle has dried, the leaves remain in a group. This pretty pattern repeats along the street. Autumn decoration.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Grŵp o dail lle roedd pwll
Description (English): A group of leaves where there was a puddle

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