
By SeanM


This is the first stranger I have ever approached and asked if I could take their photo.

We had a lovely day out in London doing lots of touristy things. Our final destination was the Tower of London. As we walked down the underpass Dave was sitting there in the corner. Hand held out holding a paper cup and head bowed down. No eye contact.

I thought about asking him if I could take his picture but before I knew it I was at the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom I hesitated for a bit and then reclimbed them. As I approached him his eyes met mine.

Would you mind if a take a photo of you I said. Not at all he replied. I put some coins into his empty cup. I took my photo. I asked him his name. Dave he replied. I thanked him for letting me take his photo. He looked me in the eye, winked and said "you're very welcome". It was all over very quickly. I think it was too quick and on reflection was very rushed (on my part). Next time I hope it will be easier and more interactive.

When processing the the image I noticed that his worldly goods were being carried in a 'bag for life' !

Thanks Dave.

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