
By SeanM

Another Mr Robin

This not the Mr Robin that has featured so heavily in previous posts. This is Mr Robin from what we at work affectionately call 'the secret garden'

The garden is in the grounds of a grand Victorian house which belonged to the Headmaster of a local boy's school.The Hospital subsequently bought the house,and used it for offices, storage and meetings. But now however it lies empty and is up for sale.
The two tier garden has in part been left to grow wild at it's own pace. Whilst the lower tier has been adopted by a hospital employee who has dug a substantial vegetable plot and tends to it most evenings.

This Robin supervises all the 'digging work' and is ready to fly in when the bugs and worms are unearthed. He also brings his latest off spring along too so that they too may learn the tricks of the trade.

We are all dreading the point at which the building is finally sold. As we're sure that this little oasis in the midst of a bustling hospital life will be lost for ever. And our family of Robins will be forced to look for a new home.

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