
By cowgirl

Now you see it ..

... Now you don't!

Drove down to a nice seaside town called Lyme Regis today to meet up with my friend Helen and her son Ben, who are holidaying there for a week.

Lyme Regis is famous for its fossils and we spent the morning in the museum learning more about the history of the town and it's principle fossil hunter, Mary Anning. The museum is set up in what used to be her home.

After a spot of lunch we settled down on the beach for a bit of r'n'r. Over the course of about an hour, the slightly hazy day got more and more misty, til the blue sky disappeared altogether!

A friend of Helen's lives in Lyme Regis and owns Alice's Bears
So we popped in to see her and she invited us back to her house for refreshments and a chat. This resulted in me starting my journey home 3 hours later than intended! By this time ( 10pm ) the fog had really rolled inland and I could hardly see 10 feet in front of the car for about 20 mins. It was almost midnight when I got in and is now after 1 am and I really should get to sleep.

Walking Fossey later, then meeting friends for coffee before work!

Good night, or more likely good morning!

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