The second half of life..

By twigs


A first!  After hearing that C from Motueka CC had taken some visitors recently to see fernbirds I contacted him.  I've attempted a few times to see some over this way but with no luck so thought I'd try my luck and see if he'd take me out to his locations.  
"Be at Marahau carpark at 9.00am Saturday....."  
"I'll be there!!"
And so it was.  Up at 5.30 to watch the Americas Cup racing before leaving then a 70 minute drive over to Marahau to meet C.  He does a lot of work with local birding conservationists and was an absolute mine of information.  Sadly, a nest he'd observed only yesterday with chicks in had disappeared overnight.......possibly as a result of the huge high tide (these birds nest just inches off the ground in wetland areas).  We nevertheless continued to look, walk, observe and listen and were eventually rewarded at out third location with this chap.  C described them as being 'like mice' in their movements and he's not wrong.  They hang out in dense bushes, rarely becoming fully visible yet can creep their way through the bush virtually unnoticed.  I was thrilled to capture this - my very first ever fernbird.  The challenge now it to try to find and capture one over here using what I've learned from C.  

Huge thanks for a wonderful few hours C.

Extra shot shows a side view with his lovely long tail.

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