jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Sunny splashing

Very very slow day today. Took ages to wake up (that's what happens when daddy watches telly til the small hours and mummy finishes off Bear's blanket!) and attempt to get something to eat. We managed to distract Bean from wanting to watch tv pretty successfully, and ended up filling a couple of buckets full of water in the garden in the paddling pools. The boys though that was brilliant. They could sit in water up to their chests! Steve fitted some more canvas panels to the climbing frame including a "door" to the slide and a canopy over the top. Bean thought that was pretty fab. He had to go off to preschool though, quite happily, so Bear and I played some more in the water while we waited for daddy to get back. Lots more water play, trying to keep cool in the heat of the sun. But we needed to go into town to pay some blessings into the bank and thankfully by the time we set off it wasn't quite so hot and we made it there and back in one piece without melting. Bear didn't go to sleep though. Until we got home and he could lay on the bed with me. He nursed, he sat up, signed "all gone / finished!" reattached and fell fast asleep. Funny boy...

So I sat in the garden and sewed all the ends into the blanket, Bean watching some tv, Steve busy getting a ham ready to cook. Peace and quiet.

I've been doing some research into oral health over the weekend and discovered quite a bit about diet (and not just your usual sugar is bad for you blah blah blah) and how it affects the health of your teeth. Remineralisation from the inside. I even stumbled across a sample meal plan - now this is what I really needed, what TO eat, not just what not to eat. And amazingly, somehow over the weekend I've changed my diet significantly enough to not be craving crabohydrates at all. Well, only when I'm hungry in the evening - but I'm not craving carbs, I'm just hungry because it's been that long since dinner, and it's more a case of getting more appropriate food in the house really. And Steve has managed to show me that coffee doesn't need milk or sugar (proper coffee this is, not instant!) to taste nice, and in fact putting milk and sugar in just tastes wrong already.

I can't believe that there is a stack of chocolate bars in the cupboard that I'm just not reaching for, and I'm not snacking on biscuits at all either. Feels really odd to be honest. I just don't want them!

So now I'm in a dither because I really am hungry and don't fancy any of my usual evening snacks. Not quite sure what to do!!

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