The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

From my study window

Worked all day from home. Well, V got stuck in traffic (everyone did this week) and popped round for tea. We had it in the garden. Then I worked on, and didn't have time to eat the egg I'd boiled for supper, and ran down to the cinema to meet my mate J. Ordered a hot chocolate. Then she rang to say the bus had got stuck at the same London road traffic lights, and she'd be late!  We nipped outside to meet our friends, my comrade colleague A, and tore off to Cheltenham to see The Illegal Eagles at the Town Hall. 

I had bought the tickets so long ago that I almost forgot to turn up this week! However, we got there in time, found a parking space, and all was great from thereon in.  It was the same show as I saw in Stroud in February, but I loved it all over again. So did my companions. 

Got home late. Indie was so excited to see me again that she wrecked the house, then quite happily snuggled down to sleep beside me. Crazy cat!

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