The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cobwebbed gate at Nether Lypiatt

Fridays are free days, thank goodness. I woke at 7.25 and fell asleep again till nearly 9. Bit of a rush to get ready for my walk with Tessa at 10.30.

We donned our boots and went up through the new cemetery and aking the Horns road to the valley, ascending at last to the road that runs past Middle Lypiatt and Nether Lypiatt, both substantial privately owned properties. My attention was caught by the cobweb on the gate of the latter. It seemed Hallowe'enish. 

Retraced our footsteps down past The Limekilns farm, where a tractor passed us. It drew up near a fence and all the sheep came running to be fed, with food that the farmer produced from  a sack. I remembered similar adventures in my youth, involving a tractor and cattle cake. I did not have time to take pictures of the sheep: they were speedy!

Then down through the woods we wound, until we reached the Heavens valley, which we crossed before hiking up the steep muddy track that leads to the path behind my street. Tessa used to live nearby, in another century, so for her it was a walk down memory lane. 

We drove to the Trinity rooms for lunch (kale soup, which was actually good) and there I realized that K, who is in my poetry group, is married to J, who runs the Trinity rooms. We sat with them until Tessa had to go off for another engagement, and I walked to town. 

My legs protested a bit after the walk we had done earlier, but I did a circuit of the charity shops, visited the bank, and bought some bread for tomorrow, as I've agreed to direct the human traffic in another vax queue. I'll need sandwiches. 

Walked home via a cafe where I bought a takeaway hot oat milk chocolate, which was cool enough to drink by the time I got home. Hung out washing, took jigsaw outside, but the weather changed from sunny to 'looks like rain' so had to rearrange everything again. Got some jigsaw and podcast time indoors, then it was time to walk up through the cemetery (old and new) in the drizzle to meet Steve off the bus, back from his trip to Lincolnshire. He'd got off the train and got on the bus, which isn't actually as easy it sounds, as it's quite a walk! I wheeled his case down, and since we got home we've been catching up/drinking wine/ eating. 

Tomorrow, the vax queue again, at 9 am. Roll up your sleeves....

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