
By KatesGardenPDX

Another Walk in the Woods

A chilly, breezy day with showers and sun breaks. Fortunately I got a good, long walk in at the Tualatin Hills Nature Center before it rained again. The leaves are still quite green, although some are turning yellow. But I was looking for fungi. I didn't have my Canon with me, so this is a pretty dim image from my iPhone. But check out that cool mold on the mushroom! I believe it's called "Bonnet Mold" according to iNaturalist. It's a pin mold that is characterized by, well, filaments, to make a very long story very short. As to the mushrooms themselves...perhaps "Oak-loving Gymnopus"?

Spent the afternoon making soup, puttering in the courtyard garden when it wasn't raining, and making up a planting plan for the north side of my condo to present to the board at our Monday meeting. Funny, these sorts of plans are typically presented to me, as the person in charge of grounds these days, but one must follow protocol!

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