Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Whooper Swan on Bryher

Today we went by boat on a day trip to the Island of Bryher. We were in pursuit of a Hoopoe which had been reported yesterday, but I only saw the backend of it as it flew off. If I hadn't realised that I was technically a ''Twitcher', I do now. We joined what must have been at least 50 people all  running up a hill with cameras, tripods, scopes etc. Some of them were on radios reporting the whereabouts of the bird.  The Hoopoe flew around a bit and then disappeared but I don't think the Twitchers scarred it away. They seem to know how to approach and keep their distance. 

Although I didn't get a good look at the Hoopoe, we did spot a Whooper swan hanging out with some Mute Swans.  We also spotted quite a few Mediterranean Gulls, Greenshank, Oyster Catchers etc. In addition we found a Smooth Stick Insect. 

On return to the island of St Mary's we spotted a Jack Snipe in a muddy puddle and a Prickly Stick Insect on a hedge. 

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