
By H22

Place: Greenville, SC 44/61
Main activity: Wed - giant knee
Notes: Slept till 630a! Unfortunately, my L knee was giant and sore when I got up - can't really put any weight on it. A day of not much, contacted Dominika next door and Suzanne to see if they could help w/ a couple things. Dominika brought an ice pack and I situated on the couch and slept for quite awhile - woke up 1245p. Hobbled around a bit and then was able to run a bath - lovely - the heat seemed to loosen it slightly so I could mostly straighten it. Dominika stopped back by and let Lizzy out. Took me awhile to get dressed and back to the couch - found the heating pad and used that for awhile while watching some JC and Janine. Realized it was already after 3p! Quiet evening just streaming.

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