talloplanic views

By Arell

Just peanuts

Too long again at work but at least it was very productive, although that might be on account of a slight imbibing of real(ish) coffee yesterday morning and a cup of half and half this morning.

Lovely bestie will be horrified and ashamed to learn that this month, I 'ave been mostly eating ordinary breakfast cereal, and thus my porridge supply is healthy while my boxes of cereal required topping up.  To that end I went to the supermarket in the dark this evening, but went the long way via Roslin Glen, to see if they had mended a tyre-burstingly large pothole that developed recently – which they have – and once at the top on the other side, I took to the quiet railway path through Rosewell and Bonnyrigg that BB will remember from last winter.  The haul up from Lasswade to Loanhead really isn't my favourite road to cycle, although the drivers were reasonably polite today.  In the summertime, and with plenty of suspension travel underneath me, I would probably bounce my way through the woods and the bottom of the farmer's field to where the small regional hospital used to be.

Also in today's supermarket haul was more peanut butter.  My favourite one wasn't in stock but I found another that fitted the bill.  I thought the Ms Arell-approved list of ingredients was in the spirit of tiny tuesday.

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