Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The colours they are a-changin'

Last night we had a very experienced judge for our print competition, but goodness me she was so slow, and consequently we finished half an hour later that expected at 10.30pm. She was also very strict in her marking, especially after remarking how the standard of images at our club is so high, especially for our club class (beginners), and yet went on to mark their club entries so strictly, I hope they were not discouraged from entering competitions again! 

Although I am much better from my flu/Covid/whatever, I still have a bit of a sniffly nose and a bit of a cough ( I am sure it was Covid as I had brain fog and lost smell and taste). This morning I woke up with such a headache, I think lying down flat all night with a congested head causes it. Anyway I still went for my flu jab this morning at our local pharmacy, as long as I had no temperature they were happy to administer it. It was a bit of a shambles as I had booked on the NHS site for a private jab (as being under 65 years old I don't qualify so have to pay for it), and other people coming in for Covid and flu had booked by telephone with the pharmacy directly, so there were two lists and I was forgotten about until I complained that everyone coming in after me was being attended to and it was now 20 minutes after my appointment. They had forgotten about me but then quickly set about giving me the flu jab.

Fortunately I have not felt any pain since having the mole removed. If anything, the dressing is very awkward as it is between my top lip and under my nose, so eating is slightly tricky, as is washing my face and cleaning my teeth. I will be able to take the dressing off tomorrow so it should be better then.

I had a long walk with Xena in the woods, where I met someone foraging for mushrooms and asked her how she knows which ones to pick. She was showing me which ones are good for soups and which ones she dries to be used in risottos. I would not chance it though.

I spent the afternoon editing all my fungi images from last week. I have been using Helicon Focus to stack the images, it is brilliant software, it can stack 80 images in the blink of an eye. I have now finished which is good.

Adam finally submitted his thesis for his PhD today, and then after the viva exam he will be able to call himself Dr Adam. When choosing his career at school, he briefly considered studying medicine but decided he rather wanted to do medical research and get into the science behind infections and diseases rather than clinical work. Ten years later....a science degree, two masters and finally the PhD. It's been a long time coming.

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