Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A wet day

It was pouring with rain this morning when I woke up. Now that I am feeling much better, I decided to try and do some gentle was not easy but I managed it okay. This flu/covid has really wiped me out and it will take time to get back to my usual cardio fitness levels. 

It was a busy morning at home with all sorts of domestic chores, I did loads of laundry, made soup for lunch and had various other things to do. I then went grocery shopping and only walked Xena after that, as by then it had stopped raining but it was very damp underfoot and wet. She got quite muddy so by the time I got home, and washed her off I only had about 10 minutes to eat my lunch before I had to go to the local hospital for my mole to be removed. I actually had to leave my lunch and rush off but I got there in time.

The dermatologist removing the mole was a friend of mine so we chatted a little catching up on news but she obviously was busy with other patients to see too, so we did not waste time. The local anaesthetic was quite painful, as I had been warned, it stung like crazy but after that I never felt a thing. I now have a dressing on my upper lip which makes smiling difficult! It will be tricky washing my face but I will manage. I get the biopsy results in 4-6 weeks' time.

Tonight is our print competition at camera club, my prints are ready and I did all the labels today. I was told to take it easy tonight as when the anaesthetic wears off it will be painful, but I don't want to miss the first print competition.

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