An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

New baby blanket no 2...

Has begun :-)

Sneak preview of the granny daisy square blanket I have started for our second great niece due in January :-)  It's the same pattern that I used for Faith's blanket but this one will have a different border and joining stitch.   I will photograph the baby blanket and bonnet that I finished last week sometime in the next few days and blip it.

We arranged to have lunch at the golf club with Ele, Kenny and Agnes (Adrian was having his flu and covid jabs this morning and always feel rotten afterwards, so he stayed at home) David and Kenny had planned to play golf afterwards but the course was closed because of the heavy rain this morning.  We met and had lunch anyway then D & K headed to Gleneagles to play the wee course there (twice as it's only 9 holes) and Ele, Agnes and I headed back to mine for coffee and cake that I bought in Gloagburn yesterday (fruit slice for Agnes, Raspberry and coconut slice for Ele and lemon and ginger slice for me :-)

It's been a while since Ele and Agnes have seen each other so lots of catching up to do.  They both loved my completed baby blanket and the daisy squares.  This was a relief as both blankets are for Ele's second granddaughter :-)  It's lovely to have a new baby in the family to look forward to after Christmas.  Will brighten up winter.

The guys arrived back from the golf, both muttering under their breaths, but happy to have managed to get a round in.  Agnes headed home to see how Adrian was doing.  Ele and Kenny were staying the night and since I am loaded with the cold, it was an easy dinner of pizza, salad and homemade spicy potato wedges.  

A lazy evening of watching Strictly and telling them what we are thinking of doing for our 60th birthdays (a wee while away yet but it involves travel so things would need to be booked :-) and that conversation led to other suggestions and thoughts that are actually much more appealing, so watch this space :D

Shocking news about the death of Alex Salmond.

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