
By MumOf4Wildlings


We're just back from a family bike ride. And we're going to have family dinner shortly. 

It's been a very trying day at times today. But there have been a lot of positives too. 

I could have had Mr R in my makeshift graveyard at some points today and he probably thought the same about me. But hey ho everything is fine now, and the wildlings are all in a non winey mood now. 

The jedi is back in big boy pants and so far he's held off going for a pee for nearly 9 hours. He gets in such a panic about going even to try. But I'm not sure he understands how to even pee without s nappy on. But we need him in pants if we want to get him in the same school as his siblings.  But on the other hand I don't want to kill his kidneys . 

I'm away to make fajitas and chicken fried rice and everyone can have a choice 

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