
By MumOf4Wildlings

Stay and play

The jedi was feeling loads better this morning.  So he went back to nursery.  His wee throat is still a little sore but he was excited to be going back for the day. 

I didn't go to the cafe today.  I stayed behind at work with a couple of students and we had a lovely morning.  One of my students loves to be stretched out on a bed . It gives her some freedom from her chair. 

The weather has been beautiful here. Proper autumn weather with a chill in the air. I played at the nursery for a hour with the jedi when I went to pick him up. The nursery have a stay and play for parents and grandparents a few times a year. The outside has a great set up. 

The bigger wildlings enjoyed their last day of school.  They got to watch a movie this afternoon.  They're ready for a holiday.  Two weeks off for them. We have a couple of days planned but that's it. I think we will do a lot of play parks and cycling.  

I'm feeling pretty tired today. I have a cheek, especially as I spent two days at home with the Jedi . 

Happy weekend everyone.  X 

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