Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

The Lorelei Tour Part 1: Coming Home

After last night's gig I was buzzing and decided to have a late night/ early morning wander round Edinburgh's Royal Mile and Cowgate- a lot of partying, and interesting people. I usually ask permission to photograph folk, especially if they SEE me but these two I'm sure wouldn't mind. I love this one.

Just after this I met a well oiled smartly dressed young man who had lost his wedding he was attending and couldnt make his girlfriend understand where he was on his mobile. He told me about his love of music and interest in photography, his time in a band, his stage fright and and his regrets.

I told him how to get back to his wedding and encouraged him to get a better camera cos he has one chance at life and wouldnt want to regret anything else.

*eats shoots and leaves*

After a small sleep in a shared bedroom with the snore chorus (really, my band can snore for Scotland, in harmony with individual soloing) we drove the last miles home, unpacked the van and said a see you soon till next practice.

I love coming home for the hugs and the story tellings.


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