Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

The Lorelei Two Capitols Two Days: Edinburgh

A sprint up the road after the fabulous house and hospitality of Caroline and JP (ta xxx) , a lunch stop at the infamous Hollies Truckstop ( complete with massive plates of food for a fiver and King of the Road mirror hangers), a traditional cheer as we cross the border and a set up in Bannermans in Edinburgh.

Our Soundman was Rob Hackett ( pictured). Rob is a professional with a patient manner and positive approach. Play here.

Our gig was a grower, with new tunes picking up the audience and old ones having them sing along and dancing. Some great moments and good memories.

Bannermans also has a band flat above the venue where we ended part one with swapped stories, poor impressions ( JONNY Ps Folded Omelette impression WILL be blipped) and a lot of laughter.


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