Play day

The children's entertainer at last night's wedding was asked by about 4 of my friends to make this monkey balloon for my girl. She rather loves it.

3years 273days - 3 3/4

A lovely day with my girl today. First words as often on Sunday were "can we go swimming now mummy?". She did six complete lengths on her back without putting her feet down once. She's really found her confidence on her back and was so proud of her "proper swimming". It was quite a rush to get to church, but Im very glad we made it. Our youth worker is leaving today and went out in style. With the story of David and Goliath in the style of bohemian rhapsody. Hilarious and impressive stuff. In girls room they made crowns, did fabulous biscuit decorating and lots of fun. After church, there was a church barbecue. Forty-odd people in a fairly small garden yet it was a fantastic time. Lots of friends. Lots of yummy food. Our church does shared meals well!

We headed home around 3 for a short visit from a friend. She was coming to collect some photos and bring some wraps for me to look at. One of them was blue stars. Katie made a hilarious face of disgust at it. Took that as a no then. Her and their son played with her kitchen for a nice while before they headed off. We had a couple of hours of just relaxing together, both of us equally sleepy before her bedtime. She fell asleep holding my hand in both of hers.

Katie at 3 3/4
*can do adding and subtractions of one or two and practices lots with big piles of grapes.
*spells and writes her name
*counts to 50
*can swim 30+ m on her back without floats or touching the floor
*draws people with a body and fingers on their hands, not just a head with legs and arms
*is in the final grade of preschool swimming
*has moved up to primary ballet/tap & dances twice a week
*can ride her bike with no stabilisers

*appearance in a full ballet show
*dance in a full tutu. She loved it.
*west end musical
*2km fun run
*riding stabiliser-free bike
*pair of "big girl" sandals
* trip swimming with Granny and Grandad
*antibiotics and scarlet fever
*corn on the cob
*street dance class
*indoor skydive
*formula one/trip to silverstone
*appointment where she let the dentist actually look in her mouth

*corn on the cob
*singing to herself
*dancing with her reflection or shadow
*her new Mary Poppins and Lion King friends
*her "dolls carrier" (and also her dolls' carrier; one is hers with dolls on the fabric, one is for her dolls!)
*helping Mummy chop things for meals
*Alligator Snap song
*lisa her new swimming teacher

*mint ice cream
*long sleeve tshirts, socks, jeans
*going shopping before ballet- straight to ballet is the only option

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