Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Autumn colours and snow

Firstly, Xena is fine. Tommy took her to the vet last night and he said she had eaten something bad, but was not sure what it was. Recently another dog had eaten a leftover marijuana joint in our woods and that dog had displayed the same symptoms as Xena, and because Xena had immediately vomited it all out, that was a good thing. The shaking, wobbling and disorientation could have been the result of ingesting something hallucinogenic like this. Makes me mad that people don't throw these dangerous joint butts in the bins. He did all sorts of neurological tests but said she was okay. 

I slept badly last night as Gavin was very restless with jet lag, so felt very tired when I woke up. This morning we went up the mountain to do a high level walk and to show our friends the beautiful views from up there. After Thursday's rain, once the clouds lifted they revealed snow all over the mountain tops which was so pretty top see (see extra). At the top of the mountain it was 1C and freezing cold, so we walked quickly around the other side of the mountain where it was more sheltered from the cold wind and had a good walk down the mountain back to the village - a 3 hour walk of over 20,000 steps. I did feel worn out after that as I am still not completely well. The yellow larch trees are so beautiful to see, but the main autumn colours are still developing. The others went off for a drive to Davos and to see the mountain village of Monstein in the afternoon but I stayed home and just took it easy, editing photos and drinking mint tea.

We are going out for supper to a tradition Swiss restaurant tonight, we know the owners and the food is always excellent there so we hope our friends will enjoy it.

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