Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Deserted streets.

There were very few cars and no people about at 06.30am. 
During covid, when there were restrictions on movement, I used to sneak out early for a walk in the dark. That was before the powerful led street lamps were installed. As I walked in the dark, I would frequently be hit in the face by overhanging branches that I couldn't see.
There is too much light now.

I made white bean soup for lunch today, only to learn that young Max ought not to have been eating beans yet, on account of his recent gut rot. I suggested to his father that it would be wiser to tell me before I made lunch instead of after we had already eaten it.
I made an apple cake but forgot to put oil in it, so it didn't rise properly, stuck to the tin and burnt the bottom. We ate it anyway.

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