
By Teasel


All in all it’s been a very dreich day. I worked from home and as usual I went for a pre-work walk. It was very grey and damp underfoot, but it wasn’t raining, though it was drizzling by the time I got back home. I logged on to work and made a start, bu then had to pop out to the hospital for my clinic appointment.

There was a student in the clinic today, so she got my back story and observed today’s treatment and dressing. They are happy with things, but are no trying to slow the healing process down. You can’t win!! It was then back home and back to work.

I popped out at lunchtime for a quick walk – it was raining and I got rather damp and had to dry off once I was back home.

I had a call with BB this evening. It was brief, as he really wanted to speak to TT about some work he has been set. I also sent him instructions so he could make a bolognaise sauce – which he later reported had worked well and he had enjoyed it. TT and I had leftovers for tea. Later I went for a quick walk in the dampness. All in all it’s been a rather grim day.

The rudbekia add a splash of colour to the garden on a very grey and dull day.

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