
By Munroist4113

An unlikely combination

The blip is a photo of our meal tonight, using up stuff that needed to be eaten soon. It sounds a bit odd but it really works. Courgettes, cucumber, pear, toasted pine nuts and Parmesan. I don’t know what to have with it though!

This morning I drove Shona to the golf club - we’d planned to walk but it was very wet - for our book group meeting. Usually we have it in each other’s houses but Louise has sold her house and now lives in Corbridge so it was her last time. She treated us all to coffee and cake or scone. I had a cheese scone so needed no lunch. It was really fresh and the coffee was good too. The book was “Lost Pianos of Siberia”. We all enjoyed it to a certain extent though all agreed there was no cohesion and it certainly wasn’t a page turner. There were so many interesting snippets of information. I didn’t know Scott employed a chap from Siberia (and his dogs) for his 1911 expedition. Some of us had more knowledge of Russia and its history than others. Sue was upset to learn the Tsars had sent as many people to gulags as Stalin!

I’ve made a cake to take to James tomorrow for his 10th birthday. Unfortunately his present hasn’t arrived yet.

#2 daughter is on her way back from working in London but there’s been a fire on the line so she’s having to go back to London and get a Manchester train then one to Newcastle from there. She’ll be lucky to be home tonight.

Mr C has booked our skis for Bulgaria. I think there’ll only be a couple of runs open, where they have snow cannons as only 2 ski hire shops will be open. So long as the boys get a chance to learn that’s the main thing.

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