
By 58jc

Old friends

The day started slowly again and No.1 was a bit down.  She had listened to a voice note from one of her friends.  I was trying to be diplomatic but it was all a bit me, me, me.  Their lives could not be more different - hers has busy job, two year old, new house, husband and she was telling No.1 about everything she had been doing but moaning about juggling it all with a two year old?  I get it, but it was a tad insensitive and No1 was very glum and reflective for a few hours.

I suggested OH take No.1 out for a drive after lunch (home made tomato soup and a batch of brocolli and stilton to use up the bits in the fridge going yellow?). They started off in a tea shop but didn't have tea, just a beak around the gift shop.  No.1 then text JJ on the off chance and she was in and they went round for tea. No.1 has been friends with JJ since they were 5 and although very different (I was surprised the friendship lasted) they still keep in touch.  Added bonus D was also visiting to babysit so No.1 caught up with her too.  Lovely lady and a few tears were shed.

Her spirits were lifted and the day ended better than it started.

My day was just fiddling around, made soup and a cake and trying to get the computer to sort itself out (Mac is now 8 years old - is that too old?  it is very slow and everything takes ages - just wish I had a computer expert in the cupboard that I could get to fix it without the bother of taking it to the Apple shop?  Where are you Mike?!

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