
By maureen6002

Black-eyed Susan

Thanks so much for all your good wishes yesterday - all very much appreciated. 

After getting up at 7.00 am to start the second phase, it’s a quiet morning before the drive into Liverpool. This is the first Sunday they’ve been carrying out procedures in the Endoscopy Unit - a move to try to get through the vast waiting lists of patients. It seems a very positive step.  

I’ve opted for ‘sedation’ - I’ve decided that I’ll take anything on offer - and I’m very glad as this is definitely more uncomfortable than my last colonoscopy; in fact I end up having ‘gas and air’ as well.  The doctor’s on a quest to find - and remove - the polyp that was spotted by the radiologist analysing my whole body PET Scan, and it takes some time. I’m watching the screen with interest, expecting a little mushroom-like structure to appear, but nothing does. Eventually, he settles on an area which apparently is a sessile polyp - flat and indistinguishable to me at least. He’s very impressed that this was spotted - kudos to the radiologist. 

Well the good news is he’s found it; the bad news is it’s too large to remove today and I will need to return on a weekday to have the procedure carried out. Nothing is straightforward it appears - and I’m less than enthusiastic that I’ll have to go through the whole Moviprep process yet again! 

Recovery completed, G is called to take me home - less than pleased that he has to literally collect me from the ‘recovery lounge’ as post-sedation I’m  not safe to negotiate the lift myself! 

It’s wonderful to be home and to eat a proper meal - no wine, but there’s the treat of chocolates - and to just relax watching the for once ‘correct’. Strictly results! 

No ‘nearly sunsets’ today; the best I can do is to offer you a Black-eyed Susan flowering in our conservatory. 

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