Dylan and I

Ann drove down to Devon this morning at some unearthly hour to do the switch over at the chalet from one lot of guests to another. I turned over and went back to sleep.

So today has just been me and Dylan, Emma wasn't available for coffee and I couldn't be bothered going into town, so I stayed home and made my own (after I'd taken Dylan for his walk). The weather cleared up nicely by lunch time so I had a sandwich in the garden and read the paper.

This afternoon Dills and I took a stroll down the cycle track towards Shottery Fields and I tried to take pictures of butterflies. There were loads fluttering around, attracted by the bind weed that's rampart by the sides of the cycle way, though their flowers look very pretty at the moment. The problem is the butterflies keep on fluttering, and don't stay still for very long, though I did manage to capture (on film) this one who stayed long enough for me to focus. It's possible this is actually a moth rather than a butterfly, but I thought it was quite pretty.

Pasta bake tonight for me and Tom, when he comes home stony broke from the races, and I get around to making it.

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