A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Maple and Sycamore

Our town is looking very colourful just now as the Maples and the Sycamores are all a beautiful golden colour.  Their leaves are similar, but different.  Most of these were planted about the time we came to the town over fifty years ago now.  

It had New Town status in these days, and was very well managed by the Development Corporation.  

We found it a good place to bring up our girls; as it was a young town with young families from the city of Glasgow moving to the country town.  In those days you had to qualify for a council house by securing a job in one of the local industries, Rolls Royce was a very big employer.

The people of that generation were the instigators of most of the clubs that were formed, apart from the rural groups.  We were very lucky to have such leisure time pursuits.  However, we have become an old town now, and alot of the clubs and groups have either closed or are struggling with membership.  Young people now do different things, and are more attuned to the internet.

I guess my ramble is over........

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