
By biddy

Annual tree and shrub trimming today!

Lovely sunny morning for once.
Good job, as our usual tree crew were coming early at 8:00am ( to beat the school traffic in order to park outside our house) to do the work in the garden. Then they went next door and did our neighbour’s.
Another busy morning with yet another legal document to be sorted!
It’s all happened so fast! We had the second request yesterday!
This one meant we had to have passport photos attached to the forms, and our passports to be seen and witnessed by a solicitor, to prove we say who we are!
I went off up to the Post Office once more to have some photos taken, whilst Stephen waited till the men had finished. I also quickly picked up a few things for lunch in Marks&Spencers Food store on my way back.
Then Stephen rushed off up there to get his mug shot taken.
Honestly our photos are well scary! I hate looking at mine!
Once he was back and the tree crew were next door we went back up the road for a 1:00pm appointment with a local solicitor, who has to verify that we are who we say we are, and sign off the forms, which Stephen took up to the Post Office and post those Recorded delivery!
Back home for 2:00pm, when we had our M&S sandwiches in the summerhouse along with a drink of coffee!
And breathe!
After lunch I discovered the hospital had tried to call me and left a voicemail!
I rang the number given to me and a very nice friendly person explained to me the reason for the call. I now have all my Pre Op appointments, blood tests, Physio assessment and CT scan booked in, and in my diary, the desk diary and the wall calendar! All highlighted with neon yellow marker pen!
Outside right now it is such a lovely golden light and a clear blue sky at 5:00pm.
Almost time for tea!
We’re having pizza and salad today, a bit of departure from the usual fare.
Looking forward to that!
It has been so nice to see the sun and blue sky.
Making the most of it as the weather is predicted to go downhill at the weekend.
The washing was all hung on the line after lunch.

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