
By biddy

Outer edge of suburbia……

………on my way back from Pilates this afternoon.
It’s been quite a day in one way beginning in the early hours of this morning at 3:00am.
I woke to go to the bathroom, (I know the way well in the dark), on arriving back in our bedroom, I discovered Stephen wasn’t there.
In fact I knew he wasn’t upstairs at all having just been in the bathroom, nor in the back bedroom having peeped in.
I crept downstairs wondering what had happened, I’m afraid my mind goes into overdrive ever since I thought I was going to lose him several years back now! When a wonderful surgeon saved his life. Here’s my blip for that date:

I opened the door to the front lounge and saw him on the settee in the dark. It was a shock.
He was awake wrapped in my snuggle blanket,
On asking a few questions I ascertained that he hadn’t been able to sleep for a pain in his leg. (He had complained about it for several days,)
I told him to take some paracetamol and rub some Ibuprofen on it,
Having both got back to bed he slept till 7:30am whilst I then lay awake and eventually got up at 4:30am, and made myself a drink!
I packed him off at 7:45 am to camp out outside the doctors in order to get an appointment. (They open at 8:00 am).
After succeeding he got back just in time to have a bit of breakfast before going back again for an appointment at 9:00am, amazingly enough, (It’s only a 5 minute walk).
I was eating my breakfast porridge when he returned.
The result was what I expected, an arthritic knee,
So once he knew it could be managed with exercises and pain killers when or if needed, he felt a lot better!
Several unexpected things then happened during the morning including having to get someone to witness a legal document that some solicitors up in Grassington needed by Friday, pertaining to Stephen’s late cousin Jean who died last year in July,
Our next door neighbour’s son, who happened to be visiting his mum, came round and duly oversaw the deed.
Then a heating engineer arrived at lunchtime as we’ve been having problems with our boiler! It has done good service,
That was what we expected, we need a new one,
So that will hopefully be installed before my hospital visit.
I did manage to make it to my Pilates class at 1:00pm.
Although I was tired I still felt a whole lot better afterwards.
Whilst I was out our son had been round and brought us some of his Birthday cake that Libby (11) made, He was going shopping so dropped Stephen off to send the witnessed document off Recorded delivery at the Post Office.
On my way back from Pilates I stopped to take the photo.
Now we’re relaxing in front of the living flame gas fire listening to Classic FM, having had homemade Shepherd’s Pie for tea earlier,
Stephen is three quarters of the way through re-reading “Lord of the Rings” once more, I’ve already read it twice before,

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