Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

An informal photo of Hunter.

The Feast Day of Saint Jerome.
Born in 342 in Stridon, Dalmatia. Died in 420 in Bethlehem, modern Israel.
Patron saint of archaeologists, archivists, librarians, students.

I took this photo yesterday, because I had read the weather for our area and believed it was going to rain most of today. From about 8am it started raining heavily and it was difficult for Hunter our ginger tom cat. He is a really adventurous cat and loves being outdoors. He doesn't meow but he makes squeaky croaky sounds and I knew he needed to be outside. So after feeding him, out he went. Holly stayed indoors. I brought the blue glass and plastic recycling bin up the drive and later the green garden waste bin will be emptied. As I was already dressed for the wet weather, I decided to walk to Best One for the newspaper. Having bought it, I returned home through Eachill Gardens and chatted to Norma who lives alone in one of the bungalows. She mentioned she needed some dentistry, but has currently no dentist as our Smart Dental clinic in the High Street, closed after the Covid crisis. I suggested she ring the warden at the admin office of the housing run by Onward and get some advice.
I had to dry my clothes on getting home. Now I am watching The Jeremy Vine Show and having some camomile tea and honey. They really do cover many issues. I also watch Katherine Ruonala, a splendid evangelist, at 10am on godtv, because her faith in the Lord is very joyful and remarkable.
I hope you all enjoy Monday and keep warm.
Thank you for your kind comments blip friends.

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