
By tridral

Dringwr Fflamgoch

Dringwr Fflamgoch ~ Flame Red Climber

“Nature is slow, but sure; she works no faster than need be; she is the tortoise that wins the race by her perseverance.”
― Henry David Thoreau

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Dyma un o'r planhigion yn ein gardd. Yn Saesneg efallai ei fod yn 'creeper' ond yn Gymraeg mae'n 'dringwr'. Yn yr achos yma fe'i gelwir yn Dringwr Fflamgoch. Mae'n bert iawn yr adeg yma o'r flwyddyn.
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This is one of the plants in our garden. In English it may be a 'creeper' but in Welsh it is a 'climber'. In this case it is called Dringwr Fflamgoch or 'Flame Red Climber' . It is very pretty at this time of the year.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dringwr Fflamgoch
Description (English): Virginia Creeper (Flame Red Climber)
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