
By Marionb

Red Letter Day

"Say What? I m going home? Not to rehab, but HOME? You must be kidding! To my own house? To my cat? What happened to the promised rehab to PREPARE me to go home? No beds? Geez."

"Don't get me wrong.....I DO want to go home, but only if I can be SAFE in it!  The sling came off my right arm just yesterday, and the last time I looked, I still can't do the things I couldn't do yesterday!  Home? To be on my own...? Boy, do I have a lot to do to get ready for THAT!"

Well to my rescue came my daughter and SIL as well as Mary who has been looking after Maggie and in no time furniture had been moved or permanently removed, prescriptions were faxed to my pharmacy, a hospital bed was delivered, I was given a free "I have fallen and I can't get up" pendant to wear and a PSW was assigned to help me for an hour a day, starting tomorrow. The transition to home  and all the chaos of the move has worn me out, but I am HOME! 

I have tried my best to make my living space - which is now the main floor of the house, as cosy and homey as I can...And one quick way was to wrap myself in colour after all that hospital beige... Why not red? The quilt on the wall was red, so let's go with that! 

First step was to camouflage the ugly hospital bed in red quilts too...and addd a dash of more red in pillows and a bowl...I chose to have the bed face the garden so I can look out at all the autumn colour - red, orange and yellow - that will soon be glowing out there..In the end, I liked the look and so did Maggie (extra) . She immediately took the bed over as her own and I assume will  be sleeping with me tonight! 

So, the good news is..I am home..but not yet alone.  My daughter and SIL have to go back up north tomorrow to continue dealing with cottage and boat tasks, but Mary will still here for few more days. When she leaves, I will truly be on my own....and that is when I will realize just how much help I will need and have to hire in addition to the government-provided PSW. But for the moment, all is under control and I am happy to finally, after 8 weeks, to be out of the hospital! 

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