
By H22

Place: Fairbury, IL 60/74 > Chicago > DC > Centreville, VA 69/76
Main activity: Fri - travel
Notes: Woke a little after 4a again and didn't really sleep much more - alarm was set for 615a at latest but got up early. Finished packing and did make coffee, mom had some - stomach acting up a little. Pulled out ~710a, stopped for gas in Dwight and filled to the brim. Most of the drive was moderately paced or intentionally slow and traffic started to get heavy around Bolingbrook. Gauge was right on full as I kept winding thru streets, seemed to take forever to finally get to rental return but had plenty of time. And then had to wait awhile for the shuttle bus to the airport and a bit of a line in TSA Pre-check but got thru pretty quickly and easily. Got to gate and still had an hour. Got row 7 window seat (and had it come into my head again!) with nice considerate people around. Watched 2 shows and then we were landing - gray and drizzly DC! Michelle already there and had been able to sit out front for quite awhile. Heavy traffic, about 45 min back to her place. We chatted and debated and then I took a shower, made a couple eggs and she had some food before deciding to make a run to her Pickleball place so she could show it to me and meet some of her friends. Nice people and we chatted for a bit and then watched a little before heading back. Was nice enough, we sat outside on the balcony w/ lights and talked for over an hour  before I was getting too tired. Another quick rinse-off and into fall pj's - love it - tho it's a bit warm and humid right now. To bed then just before 10p.

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