Within minutes ...
Of our arrival in Dunkeld one of them finds a weapon ...
Exact time of departure from Stratford Upon Avon was 0607 am... One stop after 2 hours for a full English breakfast and then two further wee stops later we arrived at the cottage at 12.30 lunch time ..now that's not bad at all !!!
Gorgeous little cottage on the grounds which used to belong to Beatrix Potters family .. This was their holiday home .. Not this tiny cottage this was a staff members or game keepers ..the actual estate was theirs ...
I must apologise to you all I am having trouble catching up and replying but I will !!! I was up at 5am and then drove us all as quite frankly Mr W drives like Mr Magoo ... I never let him drive as I want to remain in a reasonable mood ;)
Picnic tomorrow !!! Very very VERY excited x
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