
By cate1


A simple filter made by placing a textured glass in front of a black bowl with some red flowers painted on the inside. .  

I had a busy day  that began with having my usual Thursday coffee meet up with my siblings. Unfortunately my sister was a bit unwell.  She returned from holiday on Tuesday having experienced racing pulse symptoms while in Majorca. Unfortunately she was n't able to get a doctor's appointment yesterday or today due to staff shortages and tomorrow is a bank holiday.  If she doesn't feel any better tomorrow I think she should go to emergency department at our local hospital, but she doesn't like making a fuss.  
I then had a lunch date with the Ladies Committee members from the ice rink.  The ice rink opens for the season on Monday with a game at 6pm.  We all worry that we won't be able to stand up again after sliding out and delivering the stone. haha. 

Thanks go to Ingeborg for setting the challenge. 

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