
By tridral

Ar ddiwrnod clirio

Ar ddiwrnod clirio  ~ On clear up day

“Words are more thoughts; the photographed images always ends up having a romantic gloss about it - no matter how I try to avoid it.”
― Robert Frank

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Mae'r enciliad wedi terfyn heddiw, a daeth pobol adre i'w gwledydd amrywiol. Oherwydd ein bod ni wedi penderfynu aros gydag ein ffrind syn byw yn Nrefach Felindre, roedden ni'n gallu aros i helpu glanhau a thacluso. Un o'r pethau am gael ein canolfan ein hunain yw does dim rhywun arall i wneud y gwaith. Dim ond ni.

Ac yna rydyn ni yn Nrefach Felindre. Aethon ni i'r archfarchnad prynu rhywbeth i fwyta. Roedden ni eithaf wedi blino. Darllenon ni llyfrau ac yn ymlacio yn y prynhawn

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The retreat has ended today, and people have returned home to their various countries. Because we decided to stay with our friend who lives in Trefach Felindre, we were able to stay to help clean and tidy up. One of the things about having our own center is that there is no one else to do the work. Just us.

And then we are in Trefach Velindre. We went to the supermarket to buy something to eat. We were quite tired. We read books and relaxed in the afternoon

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bwrdd clir yn Drala Jong ar ddiwedd yr encil
Description (English): A clear table at Drala Jong at the end of the retreat
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