The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


I am really pleased with myself that I am managing to keep up with this DDW July Challenge by anniemay.

Today I got to use my new tripod to ensure a blur free macro of this log in our garden.

It's been a bit of a hectic and moany day as I really did not want to get out of bed this morning but up we were and into Chelsea to go to
We are still really struggling to find the perfect sofa. I know the shape I want, the material I want and the colour I want but unfortunately the 3 things don't seem to be available in the one package. ARGH

The rest of today is going to be spent doing a bit of pampering as we get ready to head out for a friend's 50th birthday party tonight. We have booked a hotel as the party is in a different county so this will be much easier for getting home and us both being able to enjoy a little tipple.

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