
By carliewired

79 F / 26 C

A slow start to my
day but a great surprise was
soon in store for me


I was off, like a herd of turtles, just before 7:30. My first stop was the grocery store as I was already "late" to my way of thinking. 

I picked up my breakfast because I was starving, then drove over to McArthur Island Park for my photos. 

I parked by the footbridge so I could get some shots of the slough and my mountains. It is a rather grey, uninspiring day for photos. I found some mallards at one end of the bridge. I walked quietly by them so as not to disturb them. Midway on the bridge I turned back to see ducks intent on following me. I had a scene from the Zombie Apocalypse in my mind. 

I saw two firetrucks drive out of the park on the south side. I wondered why they would be in the park this morning. I could hear clanging as though pipes were dropped on the ground. As I turned the corner to the west side of the park all became clear. 

Tents and other constructions were underway in the west parking lot. I recognized one of the trucks parked with a work trailer and began to look for the owner. There was my former son-in-law and his crew setting up for a big event this week. The FireFit Worlds and Canadian National  Championships will be held from today through Sunday, September 29th. Individuals and teams will compete in fire fighting tasks. I'm told it is not for the feint of heart. 

I was so pleased to see N and his buddy, D, one of my former students. They've been friends since their high school days. I am still one of N's biggest fans. He was a wonderful son-in-law even though he wasn't an enduring husband. :-((

I'm home with my feet up. My new shoes are a bit of an ordeal to lace up with my arthritic hands so I will need a shortcut on that process.  I haven't given up on them. 

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