Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Hello, have you got any food?

The day was absolutely free, so we went out for a drive. It would have been good to have started earlier, but hey ho. We headed northeast and ended up on roads we'd never been on before, starting with the E911. I eventually keyed in Falah Al Moallah as a destination, but Googlemaps took me on an unpaved road with soft sand that I did not want to continue on.

We came across camels on the loose on one of the roads. This one came up really close to G as she had put her window down to take a picture. :))

We ate a packed lunch in the car whilst parked outside the Sharjah Co-op in Zubair and stopped at the House of Wisdom for a coffee before getting back. I decided the ironing could wait until tomorrow. G had to deliver a lesson to one of her kids in Switzerland.

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