
By carliewired

67 F / 19 C

Gone from the landscape,
a transportation route now
lost to the public


Last Thursday, our Red Bridge, an historical element on our city's landscape burned in an early morning fire. I waited until this morning, a quiet Sunday, to take my camera there to look for myself. 

I left the house at 6:30 with hopes to get some shots before the city woke up. I parked beside the tennis courts near Pioneer Park to walk over to the park boundaries. The area has been cordoned off with yellow hazard tape and Pioneer Park and its adjoining portions of the RIvers Trail are closed to the public. 

I walked down the boat launch to the river shore to get a shot of where the bridge spanned the river. Charred portions are in the river causing concerns for our salmon coming up to spawn. I walked back up to the park and crossed under the tape so I could get a shot of the remains from that angle. The park is surrounded by construction fencing to keep people away. Security people are on duty. One crossed the grass to chat with me and advise me to keep outside the tape. I took my photos and left the park. 

Workmen were arriving in pickup trucks before 7. I caught them conferencing in the parking lot near the bridge. 

I drove up the hill to the university grounds where I knew I could get a telephoto shot of the remains of the bridge on the river. 

The historical Red Bridge

My previous shot of the bridge April 20/24.

Fire on the Red Bridge September/24

It is believed the fire is the work of an arsonist. We can expect the bridge to be replaced by the provincial government. It is estimated the replacement could take at least 2 years and come at a cost of some $200 million. 

I'm home hoping for a quiet day. 

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