Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


My favourite colour.

Heavy rain this morning gave way to a beautiful sunny afternoon. We went to Sky Park Farm for eggs, then on to "pretty but too twee for me" Midhurst. With all its bijou vintage shops, crafted coffee houses and numerous pubs it is probably every Hollywood producer’s idea of what middle England is like. 

We went to a pub on the edge of town for an hour then had a stunning drive through the South Downs national park, coming home via Haslemere and Guildford. A man in the pub had a pet parrot sitting on his head which I had never seen before. TSM thought it was too small to be a parrot but maybe it was a baby. Anyway it made him look stupid rather than eccentric which I think was the look he was after. 

Anyway it was good to get out so tonight I’m feeling yellow mellow …

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